matt's double header.

our little man just turned 8! normally we have a huge birthday bash at our home for him but due to our remodel (more on that later) we were unable this year. in lieu of that we went first to legoland then disneyland for a few fun, albeit exhausting, days. we split the trip in two and took our niece on one trip and matt's best friend on the other. i think we hit every ride in both parks due to my husband's strategic planning of wait lines vs. fast pass.  both trips were hugely successful and we all had a blast.

with summer fast approaching, i'd like to share a few tips i've learned about travel with kids to these types of parks.

have a game plan. forget the game plan. the kids will have nothing of it. go in knowing you need to have as much patience as you can muster. kids are on stimulus overload at these parks. every emotion in their little body is in high gear. take a deep breath and try to understand. in my opinion, forcing a kid onto a scary ride is a recipe for disaster. it never pays off and most probably will take years to get them to try it again, if ever. they will do scary when they are ready. think comfortable. i opted for my lulu lemon leggings and tank with a sweatshirt tied around my waist to use that evening. lastly, have fun! show your kids you can be a kid again.


my last tip: find a moment to take a breath...


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