phoenix rising

my husband and i were recently invited to an event at the amazing home of author and artist leigh j. mccloskey and his beautiful wife carla. the screening was fantastic and thought provoking with leigh and carla's home being the most apropos place to view it. exciting and exhilarating, the home invites creativity and exploration of the mind while the vibe that flows through the walls is nothing short of magical. before the screening guests were treated to a "backstage pass" into the world of art that is their home with leigh using the term "living theater" to help us best understand what we were witness to.
i am a huge art lover though i know nothing about art whatsoever. but i know what i love when i see it. i think this is evident to others through my body language that is married to the sounds of oohs and ahhs coming from my mouth involuntarily. let's leave this bit with the knowledge that i'm hell bent to buy a piece for our home.

my first impression of this man was that though this artist is a dreamer with a firm grasp of love and light, he's also pragmatic. his message was clear and relatable in an "i think i could do this" kind of way. (let me preface what follows with the fact that family is of the utmost import to this couple). leigh explained one can have the "color" of peace in the home, which i believe can only be explained as a communion of two spirits, but still know that the "black and white" of life, i.e. paying the bills, exists and is the other half to the "color" of life. to paraphrase, finding that balance and learning to trust is key to happiness and serenity. i know, it's not that we've not heard this before. but the confidence of conviction, curiosity, tranquility and exuberance leigh imbibes is nothing short of mesmerizing! it makes you want it.
art can be so very precious but i'm not a fan of precious. at the mccloskey's we were encouraged to touch and invited to participate in the beauty that lives in this library. every inch of flooring, ceiling, walls, books, even furniture are painted in the most vibrant colors in mind-blowing 3D art. sit on the painted couch. take pictures. get up close and personal with the energetic and engaging leigh. i dare you to look away when he has you in his grips. peter and i came out of the room feeling like we were each the only one being in it. we both felt as though leigh was looking specifically at us, speaking only to us. that's how leigh makes you feel, special in a nurturing, loving way. he commands the room, defies you not to listen but it's impossible to break this man's gaze and not open your mind to his words.

mystic with a message? take a look and tell me. i invite you to read about leigh's journey. now, what do you think?



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