thanksgiving thankfulness

this thanksgiving i've asked my team to put down, in a few words, what they are most thankful for. in truly spectacular style they thought outside the box and inside their hearts.
my husband peter and i ended up with the same pick. after the summer we had it was inevitable...
it's something you don't think about unless you don't have it. something one's not eternally grateful for every minute of every single day but should be. this last summer my husband was extremely ill for 3 1/2 very long and painful months. it was torturous on him and extremely hard on me to watch. i quite simply felt hopeless. helpless. we thank god those awful days are behind us and are ever so grateful and thankful for our health every minute of every single day.
gaye and peter

            kevin lynch photography

when gaye asked what we're thankful for it's such an important question -- and a difficult one to narrow down to one answer. then i realized i am grateful to be thankful; I'm thankful for gratitude. a few years a go, my best friend's mom (thank you, cheryl!) gave me a gratitude journal. i'll be honest, i wasn't always consistent with it but over the last couple years i simplified journaling into just writing down 3 things i am grateful for at the end of each day (it's like washing my face -- no matter how tired i am i have to do it!). sometimes they're ordinary little pleasures (a perfect coffee that morning); other times more heartfelt about the people in my life (another clear cancer screening for my dad & a dear friend). from this, i have learned to be thankful for the power of gratitude and the positivity it reflects back to my life.  - tyler

i'm grateful for feeling more self-aware and focusing on being more mindful in all that i do. having recently attended zen master thich nhat hanh's "be beautiful be yourself" event i left there feeling the important of breathing mindfully, walking mindfully and living mindfully - being present in the here and now. here's a great quote of his that really touched me: "the most precious gift we can offer others is our presence. when mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like flowers." ~ thich nhat hanh - lisa

i am thankful for the power of positivity and the ability to be present in the moment. i am a true believer in the law of attraction -- that thoughts become things. i made the goal last thanksgiving to try to focus on being more positive, more present in the moment and visualizing goals that i wanted to achieve. it's brought me new people and new opportunities that have truly enriched my life. that's not to say that every minute/hour/day has been positive, but every moment has been authentic to my experience. i am very much looking forward to another year of unexpected (sometimes exciting) experiences and realistic growth -- supported and strengthed by loved ones, family, friends and the kai team! - sara

come thanksgiving dinner my family and i sit around the table each sharing what we are most thankful for, but being more than thankful we all rattle off a familar list of things: family, well-being, and happiness. when gaye asked that we truly think of what it is that we are most thankful for i realized it was something i don't often say... love. i am most grateful for love. not only the overwhelming love i have for my special someone, family, and friends, but that simple, almost unnoticeable love i'm shown from strangers, the same love i witness strangers share between each other every day. those seemingly insignificant, quiet acts of kindness are what make life so special. - chloe

this thanksgiving, i'm especially thankful for growth and perspective. the people that i've come to respect and love are those who have known defeat, suffering, and struggle. yet they have found their way out of the depths and now have an appreciation and sensitivity, an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and joy. these beautiful people don't just happen. so i'm thankful for the hard moments i've endured for they have molded my into who i am at this moment. here's to all of you - friends, family, the kai team - you have inspired and encouraged me along this journey. i love you all. - tess


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