autumn apple show stopper

every year when the fall season kicks off, we are surrounded by all things flavored with apple and pumpkin spice. our current craving over here at kai is all the delightful dishes that can be made with those fresh apples from the beautiful orchards across the country. our pr & marketing director, sara, who lives on the east coast, went apple picking with her family recently and was inspired to try out a new take on how to make a delicious dessert with fresh organic fuji apples using a recipe by the famous chef andrew zimmern (he's the emmy-winning and four-time james beard award-winning tv personality, chef, writer and teacher, etc.). you've seen him all over tv with his shows on the travel channel, msnbc, discovery +, and soon he'll be airing a brand new show on chip & joanna gaines' forthcoming magnolia network in 2022. andrew zimmern's recipe is a classic parisian dessert called a "tarte tartin" which is an upside-down apple tart made famous by the tatin sisters over a hundred years ago. this stunning caramelized apple dessert will not disappoint! we encourage you to try it out for thanksgiving or an upcoming gathering with family or friends. it is apple-y goodness at its best. enjoy and bon appetit! 


click here for the video showing the dish being made by andrew zimmern! 


  • 14 fresh apples
  • 4 tablespoons of unsalted butter
  • 3/4 cup of sugar 
  • pinch of ground clove 
  • pinch of allspice
  • pinch of nutmeg 
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon of ground ginger
  • 2 sheets of frozen puff pastry (about 17 ounces), defrosted but chilled 
  • crème fraîche or whipped cream, for serving

peel, core and halve the apples. reserve. 

preheat the oven to 400 degrees F.

in a 12-inch nonstick skillet, melt the butter over medium heat. add the sugar and cook, swirling the mixture, until a deep caramel forms, about 7 minutes. 

arrange the apples in the pan, beginning with the outer rim, standing up on their sides, pinwheel style. fill the center with as many apple halves as possible. lay any remaining apples on top (the apples can be packed down as they shrink). 

cover with an inverted large steel bowl and cook over medium heat. after 10 minutes, wriggle in a few of the apples that you placed on top to tighten your spirals. cook for another 10 minutes. continue to pack down the apples. mix together the spices and sprinkle over the apples. 

when the liquids are thick and the apples are tender, drape the pastry over the top of the apples and tuck in the edges. 

bake for about 30 minutes, until the pastry is golden brown and cooked through. remove from the oven and let stand for 10 minutes. cover the tart with a large plate and very carefully invert the tart onto the plate. using a rubber spatula dipped in butter, smooth the top of the apples out. serve with crème fraîche or whipped cream.


  1. looks yummy and I will have to try it.Thank You

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